A Milestone team member for more than 23 years, Alisia Buggs is the Program Supervisor at Milestone’s Community Residential Rehabilitation (CRR) program Southwell site. If you talk with Alisia for even a short time, you’ll know she’s very proud of her program – and justifiably so.

Milestone’s CRR program is comprised of three community living sites which support persons not only with mental health challenges, but who have also been through the penal system.
Alisia’s program at Southwell presents some unique challenges. She and her staff are well-respected for not only providing mental health support but assisting in navigation through the justice system.
The goal of the CRR program is to develop the full potential of persons supported, empowering them to eventually live independently and lead productive lives. Typical stay in the program is 12-15 months.
“I witness positive growth and change in the persons in our program,” said Buggs. “With time, we see our individuals managing their medications, learning to cook, improving their hygiene and gaining the skills they need for securing employment.”
Roberto is a resident in the Southwell home. He arrived after being released from jail.
“Inside here, I have better support,” he explained. “From grooming to learning from other men in the house, it helps me a lot.” Roberto shares his artistic talent by creating drawings for his friends – all while working on earning his GED.
Without Alisia’s program, many people would not have the opportunity to be reintegrated into the community.
“I’ve met some amazing individuals doing this work, who have taught me a lot about life. I love these individuals,” said Buggs, with a smile on her face. “I’m able to take them at the lowest point and help them put their life back together. I came here out of college thinking it would be a job – and I found my passion.”