Supporting Families and Caregivers of Children with Complex Medical Needs
At Milestone Pediatric Resource Center West, we help families and caregivers navigate the non-medical aspects of caring for children with complex medical needs. Our family-centered approach emphasizes fostering communication, providing education, and connecting families to community resources.
Milestone Pediatric Resource Center
1777 North Main St. Ext.
Butler, PA 16001
724-283-0990 |
Amie Ondrasik, Pediatric Coach
724-968-9237 |
Brenda Kowalski, Pediatric Coach
412-935-5646 |
Gretchen Sturm, Family Facilitator
How We Help
Pediatric Coaches and Family Facilitators
Our dedicated Pediatric Coaches and Family Facilitators work closely with families to ensure the wellbeing of the child and the success of the entire care team.
Family Facilitators
Our Family Facilitators assist in transitioning children with medical complexities back to their families or family-based alternative settings. They serve as liaisons between departments, provide information to families, and assist with coordination and planning for in-home services. They also explore family-based alternatives to institutional placement.
Services Provided by Family Facilitators:
- Meeting with children, families, and providers in their homes and communities to assess needs and assist with transition planning.
- Connecting with families, health organizations, hospital social workers, and discharge planners to discuss in-home care services and family-based alternatives to institutional care.
- Serving as transitional coordinators until the child finds placement in a family or family-based alternative.
- Collaborating with health care systems, Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), and the Department of Human Services (DHS) to accept referrals for children needing permanent family or community-based care.
Pediatric Coaches
Our Pediatric Coaches provide dedicated support and guidance to the child’s entire care team, helping them collaborate effectively in caring for children with complex medical needs.
Services Provided by Pediatric Coaches:
- Assisting with problem-solving and conflict resolution as teams work together to meet the child’s needs.
- Empowering individual family members to confidently advocate for their child’s needs.
- Bridging the gap between family, social, and medical goals to ensure holistic care of the child.
- Providing education and training to families and health care providers.
Family Advisory Workgroups
Our Pediatric Coaches also lead our Family Advisory Workgroups, designed to support families caring for children with complex medical needs. These workgroups offer families the chance to share valuable insights and feedback on the services they use, including those provided by Milestone Pediatric Resource Center West and other organizations. Meetings are held regularly.
Contact our office for more information at 724-283-0990 or