412-243-3400 | 712 South Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15221

What’s New at the HCQU?

Latest HCQU Northwest news

January 14th, 2025 


                       The Office of Developmental Programs and the Move Your Way campaign has come together for some fun                          ways to keep moving during the cold Winter months.                                        
                        Check out the link and information here!


Upcoming Webinars


January 2nd 2025         Assumptions

There is a lot in this world that we don’t know and a few things we do. Most of our knowledge lies in between–what we think we know– our assumptions. Making assumptions is a human response to the unknown. We do it all the time. Problems can arise, however, when we fail to recognize that we are making an assumption — when we confuse “what we think we know” with “what we know.” This can create a kind of “tunnel vision” in which we get stuck responding to an individual based on our assumptions and some ways to avoid them in order to ensure that our interactions with individuals are truly helpful and supportive. 

February 6th 2025      Anger Management

Learn about the phsiological aspects of anger and common causes/triggers of the anger response. Discuss characteristics of IDD that sometimes make it more difficult for individuals to find socially acceptable ways to express their anger. Through activity and discussion, we begin to understand our own anger response and how to recognize it in others. We also review the necessary components of any support strategy and the specific strategy outlined in the supplemental training for individuals, “Dealing With My Anger.” 

March 6th 2025           Kidney Stones 

One of the most painful conditions a person can experience is that of a kidney stone. In this training, we will discuss what factors contribute to kidney stone formation, signs and symptoms of a kidney stone attack, diagnosing and treating kidney stones, and, most importantly how to prevent them from forming in the first place! 


Speaker of the month

March 19th, 2025      Kelly Burda presents    ” Motivational Interviewing”                           Motivational Interviewing is a particular way of talking with people about change and growth to strengthen their own motivation and commitment to change.  Participants will learn to apply MI in an interactive/fun learning environment focusing on the foundation of the evidence-based practice. Read more>>
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